The inception of this piece arose from the connection I have with cardinals. For no particular reason, whenever I see one, I feel overcome with joy and a sense of hope, and the vibrant rouge color of their feathers fills me with awe.
Shortly before I decided to paint this piece and continue my artistic exploration with watercolor brush markers, I had a vivid image lodged in my mind of the morning I looked outside my kitchen window and said a silent prayer. I told God that it would be amazing to see a flock of cardinals gather in one place. Prior to this day I had never seen more than three at once, gathered together in a bush or on a tree limb.
Almost unbelievably, only a few moments after I finished my prayer there appeared a large gathering of male cardinals in my bush! I counted at least ten and literally laughed out loud, saying,"thanks God!" This uncanny event led to the inspiration for "Spring Cardinal" and, being consumed by creative energy and a deep passion for wildlife and nature, I finished the piece within a few days.
Therefore, thanks to this beautiful bird, a passion and a prayer, "Spring Cardinal" sprang to life.